Tuesday 11 September 2012

Lord Krishna and His Teachings

First Edition 2002
This book is about the life of Lord Krishna and his teachings,who delivered a memorable and incomparable sermon to his beloved pupil-Arjuna,who was in total confusion in the battle field

This book is dedicated to my Respected father - Late Shri Munshi Ram Chopra who was a noble and God fearing soul.Also dedicated to my Late wife Pushpa Chopra - who was always with me through thick and thin

What is God and How to reach Him

First Edition 1999
This book was primarily written to make people know something about God and how we can reach Him

This book is dedicated to a God fearing Lady - my wife - Pushpa Chopra - whose departed soul inspired me to write this book and also dedicated to my younger brother  Ved Prakash Chopra - a saintly person

Gita - the song celestial

First Edition 1995
Thia book on Gita has been written in a simple language so that it could be read and understood by one and all

Dedicated to Lord Krishna who gave me strength and my Father and Wife who gave me Inspiration

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Gita-Fountain of Knowledge and Happiness

Know The Gita - The Voice of GodFirst Edition 2008

First Edition 2008
The Lord taught us the gospel of practical spirituality,Krishna says that even if you are the most sinful of all sinners ,you will undoubtedly cross over all sins by the raft of knowledge (about Self)

I am thankful to all the great commemorators (of Gita) like Swami Prabhupada,Swami Chinnmaya Nand,Acharya Vinoba Bhave,Dr Radha Krishana,and many other Self Realized spritual souls whose writings on the Gita helped me a lot in writing this book

The present book has been written on the suggestion of my youngest daughter Poonam Chadha who wanted me to write about the Gita in the form of topic on different subjects discussed in in the Gita   

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Thus Spoke Lord Krishna in the Battle Field

First Edition 2005
A seeker of God realization should whole heartedly devote himself to the study of this great scripture - the Gita .Our worries and doubts can also be removed just like that of Arjuna,who was full of illusion regarding the performance of his duty

This book is dedicated to my respected mother Smt Maya Devi Chopra who was a perfect mother and always showered her motherly blessings on her children during her long sajourn of 108 years on this earth